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Rome Tours
11) BORGHESE GALLERY - 2 1/2hours

The Borghese Gallery.


tour availability

meeting time

time slots

meeting place

entrance ticket
No bags. Lady's handbags and cameras are not allowed into the gallery. Items must be deposited in the cloakroom

everyday except Mondays

to be scheduled according to reservation.

9:00 am – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm (mandatory exit at the end of time slot)

at the Borghese Gallery Entrance

ticket reservation is needed because admission is strictly limited to 360 persons every 2 hours: 9:00 am – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
reserved tickets must be picked up at the Museum half an hour before time slot; mandatory exit at the end of time slot
€ 8.50 per person, Ticket price may increase for special exhibitions; reduced-rate ticket only for children and students from EU

The Borghese Gallery is a museum that houses a collection of masterpieces started by Cardinal Scipione, who loved both classic and baroque art. Some of these works of art are still in their original settings. As we explain during our visit, the cardinal—being the pope's nephew—used fair means or foul to acquire the most prized works of art.

In the 17th Century, the entire park was conceived as a place for the contemplation of exotic plants and animals and the villa as a centre of entertainment, music and art to delight the cardinal and his guests.

Leading you through these rooms, one can better appreciate the famous works of art like Bernini's life-size sculptures (David, Apollo and Daphne, Aeneas and Anchises, Pluto and Proserpina), the sensual portrait of Paoline Borghese sculptured by Canova, and six of Caravaggio's paintings. Cardinal Scipione, as a true talent scout, immediately recognized the genius of the young and much-discussed Caravaggio.

We also focus on Titian, Raphael, Rubens, Botticelli and we see many other priceless painting which will surely convey to you our enthusiasm and love for this collection.



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The Art of Guiding: It is the skill of selecting information and varying it for different audiences. It is the skill of presenting in a simple and precise way. It is the skill of allowing the visitor to look and to see and to understand. It is a skill which, if well performed, is invisible. If it is missing, then it is all too evident.

European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations