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We're a select group of official guides to Rome, each of us with the requisites and licenses necessary for the job. We are all native Romans, born and raised here, authentically belonging to the City and its spirit. We know its history, its stories and its secrets… and we lead our tours as only a native can do. There's no better way to visit Rome than with a true Roman!


We aim to cater to our clients' desires by adapting our tours to their own specific preferences, making it a truly enjoyable and profound experience, not a dry and boring list of names and dates!
We purposely avoid conducting standard, academic tours.
Recognizing that we are fortunate, every day we walk amid proof of the great Roman legacy, immersed in the wonderful cultural and artistic heritage it holds. We'd like to share this great feeling with you: being a Roman, born and bred and proud of it!


1. Tourist Guide License issued by the “Provincia di Roma” (Roman Tourism Board/Council)

2. Extensive knowledge of the historical and artistic patrimony of our city. Refresher Courses: off-season we study, attend lectures and conferences held by museum directors, restorers, archaeological field curators (Yes, here in Rome there are a lot of sites still being excavated!)

3. Fluent English, as well as the other languages indicated

4. Years of experience, which enable us to satisfy with courtesy and confidence even the most unpredictable and demanding of visitors.

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The Art of Guiding: It is the skill of selecting information and varying it for different audiences. It is the skill of presenting in a simple and precise way. It is the skill of allowing the visitor to look and to see and to understand. It is a skill which, if well performed, is invisible. If it is missing, then it is all too evident.

European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations