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16) ANCIENT OSTIA - 4 or 5 hours
The Roman Amphiteater in Ostia
Roman Mosaic

The Excavations of the ancient port of Ostia: Necropolis, Decumanus Maximus, Baths of Neptune, Watchmen's Barracks, Theatre, Square of the Corporations, Forum Baths, Public latrines, Castrum, Forum and Capitolium, Thermopolium.


tour duration

tour availability

meeting place

entrance ticket

suitable for children

four hours by private car with driver.
Five hours by train

everyday except Mondays

at your hotel

€ 6,50; reduced-rate ticket only for children and students from EU

local train or private car with driver

Like Pompei, Ostia Antica is an example of a large city, completely preserved, where you can admire the homes, baths, theatres and mosaics of this ancient community.

It was the most important stock exchange of ancient Mediterrean and a prominent port up until the V century when it was abandoned and its harbour silted up.

Walking through the Necropolis Ostiense we reach the Porta Romana, one of the three city gates. From this moment on we are within the city walls, built in I b. C., where the only sounds you'll hear are the calls of birds and crickets. The main street, Decumano Maximo, takes us across the old city; here we'll help you to imagine the crowded shops and bring to life the taverns and seamen that once populated these streets. Many historians estimate that, in addition to the floating population of travellers and seamen, the resident population in Ostia was about 50,000. Visit the Theatre and the offices in the Square of the Corporations. See the public baths, important for their ingenious heating system which provided hot water and sauna rooms, as well as the peculiar public latrines.

Experience everyday life in an ancient Roman bar with a marble counter and a fresco depicting the foodstuffs once sold there.



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